I recently taught A Historical Survey of Women Artists at the La Quinta Museum as part of California State University, San Bernardino Palm Desert Campus Osher Institute. The course lasted six weeks and we had a great turnout! Everyone was very positive about having the opportunity to learn about women artists who have been excluded from our history and are now being rediscovered.
We went from Hildegarde of Bingen, through the Guerrilla Girls and the class was astounded at how many there were and how successful women artists had been during their lifetimes. We also saw videos on many of the women and visited online the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, DC.

These are the details of the course from my website calendar. I also included visits from local living women artists and that was a popular addition to the class.

Here is artist Lorraine Klotz discussing her process in developing her popular, colorful paintings.
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